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Crónica de un pasmo (casi anunciado)

Hace justo una semana, me encontraba investigando las razones del reinicio del servidor que alojaba Blogalia. Una semana después, volvemos a estar en marcha en otro servicio de alojamientos, con algunas pérdidas de datos, especialmente de comentarios. Y es que cuando uno no transfiere las copias de fuera de la máquina... las imprudencias se pagan. Transcribo la historia que relaté en la lista de usuarios:

A finales del 2003 tuvimos un problema definitivo con John Companies. La base de datos se caía constantemente, hasta que al final se corrompió. "No problem, hay copias de seguridad". Falso: la empresa, dejó de hacerlos por alguna razón desconocida, y se disculparon. Tuvimos que recuperar dos o tres meses de artículos e historias a través de la caché de Google, Bloglines y otros. Sin embargo, los problemas de estabilidad de la máquina (un sistema Linux compartido), no se solventaron. Así que en febrero del 2004 nos mudamos a United Colo, Sagonet, con un servidor dedicado solo para nosotros. He de decir que hasta el viernes pasado estaba muy contento.

Pero el viernes pasado comenzamos a tener problemas con el servidor, se reiniciaba de forma periódica. Mientras investigaba si era una cuestión de software, abrí un ticket de soporte para ver qué ocurría y desconectaron la máquina antes de poder transferir los backups, pese a la indicación contraria. Se supone que sólo iba a estar fuera de combate "dos o tres horas"... Durante el fin de semana les envié tickets para conocer qué ocurría, por qué no estaba en marcha, y tras una llamada el domingo por la noche (esto está en Florida) me dijeron que estaba en reparación. Nuevo ticket para indicar que era vital recuperar la información. Llamé el lunes al mediodía (mañana allí) para insistir, y me aseguraron que
la máquina estaría en marcha de nuevo, con nuestros datos como disco
secundario. La máquina estuvo en marcha por la noche, pero como secundario
nos pusieron un disco con un Windows. Les envié un ticket en ese mismo
momento, ayer les envié un correo de queja, otros tickets y la única
respuesta ha sido "sí, lo estamos mirando". Tras presionar con contar la historia, a los 10 minutos el técnico que hizo la reparación dio completa información sobre el estado de la máquina, afirmando que él solo transfirió los discos de un lado a otro, sin hacer reinstalación. Pero el disco nuevo era un Linux pelado, de fecha 4 de abril. Su respuesta es que, quizás sí fue una reinstalación, y que, mirando en mi cuenta, no me la habían cobrado, pero que dada la situación, iban a dejarlo.

Visto lo visto, con la ayuda de JJ, el mismo lunes me puse a recuperar la caché de Google y a reconstruir la base de datos a partir del backup antiguo. Las historias estaban intactas, pero no los comentarios, documentos, categorías y plantillas. Finalmente, se han recuperado unos 70 mil comentarios.

Alguien decía que los usuarios de Blogalia deberían aprender la lección e irse a un servicio de pago. Espero sinceramente que no sea así, que este servicio es de pago, aunque yo asumo los costes. Sin embargo, sí es cierto que es imposible garantizar una disponibilidad 24/7/365. Por mi trabajo sé eso supone hacer una inversión muy grande en personal, hardware y servicios: discos redundantes, máquinas redundantes, conexiones redundantes, técnicos disponibles al minuto... hago lo que puedo en Blogalia, pero me es imposible garantizar tal cosa. Pero sí es de esperar que tomemos medidas para que, de ocurrir, sea por problemas técnicos y no por imprevisión humana.

Reitero lo comentado en la lista: Siento de veras todas las molestias, y me cabrea en especial no haber tenido los reflejos para copiar los backups antes de avisar de ningún problema al hosting. Asumo la (ir)responsabilidad por no haberlos sacado del sitio de forma periódica, y para mi no es consuelo decir que esto es una afición, que es gratis, ni similares: es el ABC de mi profesión. Lo que es cierto es que la carga de trabajo me ha hecho descuidar tareas importantes como estas y para paliar este hecho, en el nuevo alojamiento en Amen he dado acceso como administradores de la máquina a JJ y fernand0.

Agradezco mucho las muestras de apoyo.

| 2005-04-08 12:51 | rvr | 157 Comentarios

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De: JJ Fecha: 2005-04-08 14:06

Sabes que tienes todo mi apoyo; y, a partir de ahora, también copias periódicas redundantes en dos o tres sitios.

De: RM Fecha: 2005-04-08 14:14

GRACIAS,y... al ataquerrrl!!!

De: fernand0 Fecha: 2005-04-08 14:19

Gracias Víctor. Mas de uno hemos hecho una copia de seguridad de 'otros' datos esta semana escarmentando en el PC de otro.

De: Chewie Fecha: 2005-04-08 14:22

Blogalia's living a celebration, todos juntos, vamos a cantar...

De: Rigel Fecha: 2005-04-08 14:42

Lo que ya ha pasado ha pasado. Además, no seré yo el que se queje de algo que se me da "gratis et amore".
Ánimo y gracias, rvr

De: Julio Alonso Fecha: 2005-04-08 15:12

¡Ánimo! ¡Que ya ha pasado lo peor!

De: Wayfarer Fecha: 2005-04-08 17:05

Bah, es la Ley de Murphy... Si hubieras sacado las copias de seguridad, hubieran estado corruptas :-P

Ánimo, y a seguir bien.

-- Wayfarer

De: Vendell Fecha: 2005-04-08 18:11

Pues fíjese que a mi estas vacaciones me han sentado de maravilla, y además me he ahorrado decir un montón de tonterías.

Por lo demás, es Vd un sol. Gracias otra vez por sus desvelos.

De: El Peatón Fecha: 2005-04-10 16:16

No podremos pagarte todo el esfuerzo que haces por mantenernos este huequitos. Sólo mostrar mi agradecimiento. Me encuentro muy agusto en blogalia, no te librarás de nosotros tan fácilmente :p

De: dibujante Fecha: 2005-04-11 11:15

no te preocupes, rvr, demasiado haces, agradecerte el trabajo que has hecho y haces, imagino el follón que os tiene que dar todo esto,

al fin al cabo, el apagón, nos ha servido a algunos para descansar la mente un poco, y los dedos : )

lo dicho, gracias y ánimo

De: Netito Fecha: 2005-04-14 02:56

Muestra de apoyo. Gracias a usted.

De: cspesquero Fecha: 2005-04-15 17:33

Ánimo, maestro, eres el mejor. No te preocupes que estamos contigo.

De: Conrado Fecha: 2005-05-07 20:46

He leido tu "Crónica de un pasmo..." y, ciertamente entiendo que es un esfuerzo personal y económico muy importante.

Se me ocurre que se podría desarrollar una aplicación (en java que corre en todo) para que la gente envíe sus artículos y, a la vez, tenga una copia en su máquina. De este modo, en caso de catástrofe, la misma aplicación podría reenviarlo a tu servdor (habría que tener otra parte corriendo en él o activarla en caso necesario).

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De: activate windows Fecha: 2019-03-05 11:42

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De: office setup Fecha: 2019-03-08 08:06

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-08 08:08

Microsoft makes collaboration easy. Open and edit Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files with anyone, anywhere, for free when you sign in to your Office account.

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Get the MS Office application suite and as per your need and see how it is easy to work with Office.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-08 08:10

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De: webroot safe Fecha: 2019-03-08 08:10

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De: office setup Fecha: 2019-03-08 08:13

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De: norton setup Fecha: 2019-03-08 08:16

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De: norton setup Fecha: 2019-03-08 08:18

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-08 08:19

Install mcafee antivirus in your computer with high class professionals and best tech team. Just ring us and we are ready to assist you till the last minute of installation -

De: activate windows Fecha: 2019-03-08 08:19

Activate Windows. While Windows is typically set to activate automatically when you install it, you may find a time when you need to manually activate it

De: Sue Fecha: 2019-03-11 13:51

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-12 06:52

Get the workplace setup application suite and as indicated by your need and see how it is definitely not hard to work with Office.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-12 06:53

You will get the best answer for the issues identified with your adaptation of the Office item. You may likewise associate us by visiting us at Check out the simple strides for introducing, downloading, initiation and re-introducing the Microsoft office.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-12 06:55

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-12 06:56

Are you interested in using office myaccount products here we are providing full support to make your computer working with you dont need to work on anything as we will help you to setup your office product.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-12 06:57

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-12 06:57

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-12 06:58

Get the office setup application suite and according to your need and perceive how it is anything but difficult to work with Office.

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De: mcafee activate Fecha: 2019-03-12 07:00

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-12 07:01

Setup office 365 bundle with us. We are the group of specialized experts and give the best specialized help to our customers even after the establishment procedure.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-12 07:02

You will get the best solution for the issues related to your version of the Office product. You may also connect us by visiting us at Check out the easy steps for installing, downloading, activation and re-installing the Microsoft office.

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-13 07:46

On Office Myaccount page , client gets highlight, for example, introduce, reinstall, get more established form of office utilizing item key. check membership status and do reestablishment of office 365.

De: Mcafee Activate Fecha: 2019-03-13 07:47

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-13 07:47

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De: wwww.mcafeecom.activate Fecha: 2019-03-13 07:47

Subsequent to acquiring your duplicate of McAfee antivirus, the essential issue to attempt and do is about it up legitimately so it works. it's imperative that no progression is skipped, since it will finish in mistakes inside the framework.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-13 07:48

Norton Antivirus Activation and Setup of Technical Support Services . Norton antivirus is intended to identify and dispense with the conceivable dangers for a framework like worms, Trojan and different infections and can play out various application filter.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-13 07:48

Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud-based administration that is intended to help address your association's issues for strong security, unwavering quality, and client profitability. The subjects in this library give point by point depictions of the administrations and highlights that are accessible with Office 365.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-13 07:48

Download office instruments without putting any endeavors. We are prepared to give you complete help till the fulfillment of the establishment procedure.

De: Office Setup Fecha: 2019-03-13 07:49

ffice it the bundle of office apparatuses to make your working smooth and effective.Get
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De: Fecha: 2019-03-13 07:49

Webroot conveys multi-vector insurance for endpoints and systems and risk knowledge
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De: Fecha: 2019-03-13 07:49

Your Microsoft record will be utilized for all that you do in Office . On the off chance that you utilize a Microsoft administration, for example,, OneDrive, Xbox Live or Skype, this implies you as of now have a record.

De: office setup Fecha: 2019-03-14 07:07

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De: norton setup Fecha: 2019-03-14 07:10

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-14 07:12

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-14 07:16

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De: norton setup Fecha: 2019-03-14 07:19

norton help to verify your devices against antiviruses and help to progress and keep up your information from compitetior. Present norton in your pc click here for nuances.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-14 07:22

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De: office setup Fecha: 2019-03-14 07:27

Get a hero among the best Office setup support! We offer MS Office 365 setup and MS Office 2016 setup associations. Plus, our point is to purge the majority of the issues of your pc , PC, and so forth you can our site for more data click here for more nuances.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-14 07:28

Webroot SecureAnywhere AntiVirus is a powerful antivirus that has been made to battle against malwares and different dangers. Visit : for introducing webroot.

De: norton setup Fecha: 2019-03-14 07:30

norton help to check your gadgets against antiviruses and help to advance and keep up your data from compitetior. Present norton in your pc click here for subtleties.

De: norton setup Fecha: 2019-03-14 07:37

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-15 10:27

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-15 10:27

If customer needs to use the Office setup on the web, by then open the web program you are using on your system and visit office setup today.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-15 10:28

On the off chance that client needs to utilize the Office setup on the web, by then open the web program you are utilizing on your framework and visit office setup today.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-15 10:28

office it the heap of office devices to make your working smooth and effective.visit: to downloaded in your PC with the shrewd help.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-15 10:29

office setup is the best programming which is exhaustively utilized in globe .It is a shocking association that causes you release your best contemplations, complete things, and stay related on the go.for more subtleties visit: today.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-15 10:29

To activate Hulu Plus on your device, either use the on-screen keyboard to enter your Hulu log in information or go to and enter the device activation code. Either of these methods will allow you to use Hulu on any Hulu-supported device.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-15 10:30

It is unequaled best defensive antivirus and hostile to spyware .It is continuous insurance innovation and it is more secure , quicker and more total than any time in recent memory before.if need to introduce it at that point visit our site.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-15 10:31

Download office 365 with our assistance group without completing any work independent from anyone else.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-15 10:31

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-15 10:31

Antivirus is the need of PCs that makes them ailment free and we are going to give you full help to get the best antivirus showed in your PCs and workstations. Download norton antivirus store up with us today.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-15 10:31

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-15 10:32

In case customer needs to use the Office setup on the web, by then open the web program you are using on your structure and visit office setup today.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-16 10:33

Install mcafee product without any hassle. We provide best installation service.Activate mcafee antivirus with the highly professional tech team and get rid of antivirus from computer.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-16 10:34

Download office apparatuses without putting any endeavors.We are prepared to give you complete help till the culmination of the establishment procedure. Well ordered guidelines to introduce office 365 in your PC. For any assistance , Call us and we are here to support you.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-16 10:36

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De: Fecha: 2019-03-16 10:37

Introduce mcafee item with no issue. We give best establishment administration. Actuate mcafee antivirus with the exceptionally proficient tech group and dispose of antivirus from PC.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-16 10:38

Download office tools without putting any efforts. We are ready to give you complete help till the completion of the installation process.Step by step instructions to install office 365 in your computer. For any help , Call us and we are here to help you.

De: mcafee activate Fecha: 2019-03-16 10:39

Present mcafee thing with no issue. We give best foundation organization. Sanction mcafee antivirus with the master tech gathering and discard antivirus from PC.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-16 10:40

You will get the best solution for the issues related to your version of the Office product. You may also connect us by visiting us at Check out the easy steps for installing, downloading, activation and re-installing the Microsoft office.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-16 10:41

You will get the best answer for the issues identified with your adaptation of the Office item. You may likewise associate us by visiting us at Check out the simple strides for introducing, downloading, initiation and re-introducing the Microsoft office.

De: office setup Fecha: 2019-03-16 10:42

Download office instruments without putting any endeavors. We are prepared to give you complete help till the finishing of the establishment procedure Step by step guidelines to introduce in your PC. For any assistance , Call us and we are here to support you.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-16 10:44

Introduce norton antivirus with the best help group and keep your PC infection free. Download norton antivirus with the best help group and stay away from infection assaults.

De: printer setup Fecha: 2019-03-16 10:46

The free Zebra Printer Setup Utilities will enhance your out of the box printer experience by enabling you to quickly and easily configure select Zebra industrial mobile and desktop printers.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-18 07:52

 In the Norton Setup window, tap . Under Download Norton Security from Google Play, tap . Tap , and then tap to install the app

De: Fecha: 2019-03-18 07:52

Norton Setup Internet and Device Sercurity. Norton give total seurity to web and device.Every business constantly expected to send the record and subtleties material and everybody needs to beyond any doubt that the archives that are sending the best possible and unique arrangement.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-18 07:53

On the off chance that you are confronting inconvenience in downloading, establishment or enactment of MS Office Setup 365 and paying special mind to a solid specialized help supplier, at that point your hunt finishes here. We offer a moment answer for all the specialized issues related with Microsoft Office.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-18 07:53

On the off chance that you need to reinstall office or fix it, you can reverify your item key on setup page and can download more established form of office

De: Fecha: 2019-03-18 07:53

A progressing Microsoft statement gives some comprehension of how the association designs the landing of new Office 365 ProPlus features. Microsoft uses the equivalent "channels" language for MS Office 365 ProPlus incorporates revives as it does with Windows 10 feature invigorates.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-18 07:53

office setup is the best software which is widely used in globe .It is a powerful service that helps you unleash your best ideas , get things done, and stay connected on the go.for more details visit:

De: Fecha: 2019-03-18 07:54

ppcoffice it the bundle of office apparatuses to make your working smooth and effective.visit: to downloaded in your PC with the quick help.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-18 07:54

Webroot Antivirus Software Installation Requirements As we realize that Webroot is security programming and antivirus that give a high-class insurance to both individual and expert use.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-18 07:54

Step by step instructions to install office 365 in your computer. For any help, Call us and we are here to help you.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-18 07:54

After you buy Norton Antivirus visit, sign in to norton account then enter norton product for Norton Setup or Install Norton Antivirus

De: Fecha: 2019-03-18 07:55

Download, Install & Activate officecommyaccount for home & Business purpose and  get full technical help for office setup installation. Visit : for more details.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-19 06:45

Gives concede winning antivirus and security programming for your PC, Mac, and phones. Get Norton™ programming and welcome a huge tranquility when you surf on the web.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-19 06:49

Introduce mcafee item with no problem. We give best establishment administration click here for more subtleties.

De: activate windows Fecha: 2019-03-19 06:53

While Windows is typically set to activate automatically when you install it, you may find a time activate windows when you need to manually activate it.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-19 06:58

install norton antivirus to protect your computer from any virus attacks.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-19 07:01

Webroot is one of the most important and powerful applications which mainly designs to tackle harmful malware and help to secure information.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-19 07:02

download the security product, and give you the best protection against online threats that won't interrupt your work by

De: Fecha: 2019-03-19 07:08

Here you can get item keys for Office 365 full form and individual Office apps.Here we are giving full help to introduce office bundle click here for more subtleties.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-19 07:13

Exceptional technical assistance for setting up office 365 in your computer or laptop.just give us a call on our number and we are ready to give you the best help.

De: Fecha: 2019-03-19 07:16

Driving viewership to an unheard of level How to actuate or setup Roku com gadget?. We all realize that the Roku player accompanies some astounding highlights (Roku Activation Code).

De: Sue Fecha: 2019-03-26 14:19

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